Professional & Personal

Projects & works

To extend my Curriculum Vitae, in which you could already read my skills and experiences, here are some professional projects and some of my personal works.

Sample Project #1

For a well-known company in Medical Imaging, I had to design an interactive prototype of an e-Learning platform aiming at sharing very specific knowledge.
I carried out the project almost autonomously, hand in hand with the client’s marketing department and one of their ergonomists.

Analysis of the client’s needs and constraints, UX Design, graphic design exploration, adaptation to the client’s graphic charter, UI Design (in collaboration with an Ergonomist), creation of the interactive prototype.

Sample Project #2

For a client who initially wanted to rethink the graphic design of the innovative can for his eco-responsible energy drink brand, I had, in total autonomy, to help him position himself on his market, to differentiate himself correctly, before finally simplifying his logo and opting for a totally different can design.

Analysis of the client’s needs, visual attributes analysis of the beverage market actors according to their positionings, logo redesign, graphic design of the can, 3D layout, commercial brochure, website.

Sample Project #3

For a young ecological clothing brand, created by friends of mine, I participated in many stages of the project.

Logo creation, typography creation, digitalization of the prototype, photo shooting, web writing, creation of the ecommerce website, design of their successful crowdfunding campaign.

Sample Project #4

For an electronic music label that I co-created with a friend of mine, looking to build links and open collaboration between musical and graphic artists, with well-defined universes, that are off the beaten track.

Definition of vision, strategies, brand identity. Definition and follow-up of the release calendar, content and tools curation, music and graphic design, community management, etc…

Personal projects

This section is less professional, but it will allow you to discover what I do when I am not at work 🙂

From photography to digital design, furniture design, etc…

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